Date:  10/05/2004 10:49:02 PM Msg ID:  002232
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002223
Subject:  Re: Ideas on how to include sort headers?
As you can see, the link points back to the fwx file.  When it receives such a request, your script should re-create the page, sorted by the field specified in 'sort=xxxx'.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 10/05/2004 10:47:03 AM:
does it make the fwx call itself again?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 09/28/2004 06:15:09 PM:
You can turn the headers into links that point back to the same fwx file, but pass an additional query string field back to the server.  For example:
<a href="myList.fwx?filter=XXX&sort=status">STATUS</a>
Obviously this requires a round trip to the server, but in most cases this is how it is done.  I have seen sorting performed on the client, but it involved the use of advanced JavaScript, XML and XSLT techniques.  The client-side technique involves more work than the server-side method and it does not work with all browsers.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 09/28/2004 01:22:44 PM:
I want to be able to  include clickable sort header titles to my output. So if a user gets results returned like you see here
              STATUS          NOUN                        CUST      OFFICE          EDD              JOB          PRICE
4VS5639  OPEN    TONER CARTRIDGE         BOWEN     VSOSR    10/1/04    DT1C3VS0     62.00
4VS5621  OPEN    PRINTER, LASER          BOWEN     VSOSR    10/22/04   DT1C4VS0     578.00
I want them to be able to click on STATUS header and it will sort the data by status.
Easily done?