Date:  10/12/2004 01:46:17 PM Msg ID:  002253
From:  Tim Bowen Thread:  002223
Subject:  Re: Ideas on how to include sort headers?
yes sir, I checked out the errors page. Not sure it relates though. But do you see any error in my modified line?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/12/2004 12:44:01 PM:
Have you tried the troublshooting method described in the Common Problems page (see below)?  It's impossible for us to provide any additional guidance without your help.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 10/12/2004 12:27:54 PM:
Everything is working perfect until I modify the code(qq1.fwx) to what you suggested which is to insert:
 "<a href="myList.fwx?filter=XXX&sort=status">STATUS</a>" into the mix.
my existing line is html_out = html_out +'<pre>'+'<font color="green">'+'PRICE'+'   '+'STATUS'+'  '
 so I end up with this:
html_out = html_out +'<pre>'+'<font color="green">'+'<A HREF="https://lmca-server4/lmca/qq1.fwx?filter=bsortorder=status">STATUS</a>'  etc etc etc
Can you tell me where my modification is incorrect?
Thanks again
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/09/2004 02:29:22 PM:
I never said that there's a problem with your data file.  What I said is that something in the code causes the channel to hand -- probably because it brings up a dialog box.  Please refer to the section of the documentation that I mentioned in my previous reply:
'Hanging Channels, or Channels that Get Restarted Often' section of the Common Problems page of the FoxWeb documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 10/08/2004 06:39:25 AM:
There are no probs with my dbf. My script is working perfect until I modify the line you suggested earlier in this post to allow user to click on hypertexted "STATUS" for sort purposes. My orig line reads:
 html_out = html_out +'<pre>'+'<font color="green">'+'<A HREF="https://lmca-server4/lmca/q2.fwx'+lmca_nbr+'">'+"LMCA"+'</A>' +'   '+'STATUS'
this is just a header line and it works perfect. Hope  I am explaining myself proficiently enough?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/07/2004 03:36:10 PM:
It's impossible to tell what is going wrong from the code you submitted, but my guess is that your code is failing and causing a popup dialog to appear and pausing channel execution indefinitely.  Eventually the request times out and the channel gets restarted.  Could it be that the mDBFyear variable is not populated properly?
For information on this topic and ideas on how to troubleshoot such problems please refer the Hanging Channels, or Channels that Get Restarted Often section of the Common Problems page of the FoxWeb documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 10/07/2004 01:51:41 PM:
The single quote was really there in my actual code. I AM using v2.0 but my existing code from previous ver remains. Is this ok? now my html code looks like this:
html_out = html_out +'<pre>'+'<font color="green">'+'<A HREF="https://lmca-server4/lmca/qq1.fwx?filter=bsortorder=lmca_nbr">LMCA-NBR</a>'
and I've changed the fwx to reflect this :
bSortOrder = Request.QueryString("bsortorder") and my result is
FoxWeb Message

The FoxWeb Service has returned the following message:

FoxWeb Timed Out--
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/07/2004 12:42:08 PM:
Your code looks for Request.QueryString("sort"), but you are using the html_out variable to return content to the browser, which is probably an indication that you are using FoxWeb 1.29c.  The Request object was introduced in FoxWeb 2.0.  For older versions you must use the FormField function, or manually parse the CGI.QueryString property.
Also, your code is looking for a QueryString field called "sort", but your URL contains the sort order in a field called "bsortorder".
And by the way, you are still missing a single quote at the end of your html_out string after the </A> tag.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 10/07/2004 07:24:37 AM:
the ";" was becasue it continued on the next line, I was just giving you the text I am concerned with. My code in qq1.fwx is as follows:
bSortOrder = Request.QueryString("sort")
IF EMPTY(bSortOrder)
bSortOrder = 'price'
 SELECT lmca_nbr,status,remarks,price;
 FROM &mDBFyear ORDER BY &bSortOrder;
html_out = html_out +'<pre>'+'<font color="green">'+'<A; HREF="https://lmca-server4/lmca/qq1.fwx?filter=XXX&bsortorder=status">STATUS</a>
when the user clicks on the hyperlinked "STATUS"  a timeout occurs, does something look suspect to you?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/06/2004 04:59:11 PM:
You are not giving us enough information, but it does seem that you are missing a quote at the end of your string.  Also, what's the semi-colon for?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 10/06/2004 08:54:02 AM:
Thats what I figured but I must be doing something wrong becasue I keep getting a timeout. Can you kindly tell me my syntactical error in this line?
html_out = html_out +'<pre>'+'<font color="green">'+'<A HREF="https://lmca-server4/lmca/qq1.fwx?filter=XXX&bsortorder=status">STATUS</a>;
bsortorder gets defined in qq1.fwx(prg)
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/05/2004 10:49:02 PM:
As you can see, the link points back to the fwx file.  When it receives such a request, your script should re-create the page, sorted by the field specified in 'sort=xxxx'.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 10/05/2004 10:47:03 AM:
does it make the fwx call itself again?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 09/28/2004 06:15:09 PM:
You can turn the headers into links that point back to the same fwx file, but pass an additional query string field back to the server.  For example:
<a href="myList.fwx?filter=XXX&sort=status">STATUS</a>
Obviously this requires a round trip to the server, but in most cases this is how it is done.  I have seen sorting performed on the client, but it involved the use of advanced JavaScript, XML and XSLT techniques.  The client-side technique involves more work than the server-side method and it does not work with all browsers.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 09/28/2004 01:22:44 PM:
I want to be able to  include clickable sort header titles to my output. So if a user gets results returned like you see here
              STATUS          NOUN                        CUST      OFFICE          EDD              JOB          PRICE
4VS5639  OPEN    TONER CARTRIDGE         BOWEN     VSOSR    10/1/04    DT1C3VS0     62.00
4VS5621  OPEN    PRINTER, LASER          BOWEN     VSOSR    10/22/04   DT1C4VS0     578.00
I want them to be able to click on STATUS header and it will sort the data by status.
Easily done?