Date:  10/14/2004 01:47:04 PM Msg ID:  002268
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002266
Subject:  Re: thermometer
You can do this by sending Javascript code to the browser while your request is being processed.  The file contains some sample code, illustrating this technique.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Bigelow on 10/14/2004 12:34:34 PM:
I'm creating a new set of programming and I need, at one point during some processing, to stick up a thermometer or some other graphic to the viewers browser while the programming processing something, then finally sends the resulting HTML page. I can't seem to get the right sequence of stuff in the right order to get this to work. Do you have a sample program or something that would illustrate the correct technique?
Joe Bigelow