Date:  11/02/2004 08:59:51 PM Msg ID:  002336
From:  Joe Goldsmith Thread:  002322
Subject:  Re: Page unloading problem - UPDATE
It sorta works now but... Upon first entry the calling FWX calls the second FWX that presents a PDF in a new instance of the browser. I print the text in the PDF then close the called FWX in the new instance of the browser. All objects are released in the called browser instance whe closed. If I press the link on the calling browser to do it again both the calling and called browser instance crash and close. I have to log in again. When I log in again, the second time and re-run the pages both browser instances crash again. Strangly, the third log on and run attempt works.
Any ideas what may be going on?
Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 11/01/2004 07:44:33 AM:
Yes, exactly. The calling browser page and the called browser page both close.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/31/2004 09:47:51 PM:
What do you mean by "the pages disappear?"  Are the browser windows closing?  If this is the case, then your browser is probably crashing (perhaps trying to load the PDF viewer).

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 10/31/2004 07:07:40 PM:
This post is not mutually exclusive from my prior post about the WIN2PDF driver. The problem is that sometimes, but not al the time, the calling FWX page and the _BLANK FWX that holds the following code each disappear/unload both sessions. The code is:
<A HREF="printit1.fwx?mletter=<%=Server.URLEncode(TEXTMERGE(M.LNOTES, .F.))%>" TARGET="_BLANK">[Print]</A>
LOCAL MergedText
M.MergedText = Request.QueryString('mletter')
TempFile = SYS(2023) + '\' + SYS(2015) + LTRIM(STR(Request.CurrentChannel)) + '.pdf'
STRTOFILE(M.MergedText, TempFile)

Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong please where both the calling page and the called _BLANK page both unload and disappear?
