Date:  11/02/2004 11:33:01 PM Msg ID:  002337
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002335
Subject:  Re: MORE ASP FORMAT TO FoxWeb
Your syntax appears to be correct.  I have two suggestions:
  1. Try your code in VFP.  This makes it easier to trace through your code and eliminate complications related to serving your page over the Web.
  2. Try to get support from the tech support team of the vendor that makes the control you are trying to use.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 11/02/2004 08:52:43 PM:
How do I substitute an ASP string as a function (first position) parameter with the Fox variable M/MergedText such as:
Set Font = Doc.Fonts("Helvetica")
loParams = "x=0; y=650; width=612; alignment=center; size=50"
loPage.Canvas.DrawText "Hello World!", Params, Font
To FoxWeb:
LOCAL MergedText
M.MergedText = Request.QueryString('mletter')
loFont = Doc.Fonts("Helvetica")
loParams = "x=0; y=650; width=612; alignment=center; size=50"
loPage.Canvas.DrawText (M.MergedText, loParams, loFont)
No matter how I format M.MergedText I either get an error, output is "M.MergedText", or blank. Anyone have an idea please?