Date:  11/08/2004 06:24:04 PM Msg ID:  002342
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002309
Subject:  Re: FoxWeb 3 Beta Problem
This is strange.  Could it be that you are pointing to a resource file other than the one installed by FoxWeb?  Can you please provide us with the version of the Vfp8renu.dll file at the location you specified with the L switch?  You can do so by right-clicking on the file, selecting 'Properties' and clicking on the 'Version' tab.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Dimitrije Vujacic on 11/04/2004 12:05:19 AM:
I have tried with -L switch. This time I have got the message:
Error: Resource file version mismatch.




Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/31/2004 01:16:19 PM:
The FoxWeb Control Center in version 2.6 was compiled with VFP 6, so it required a different set of DLLs.  FoxWeb 3 was compiled with VFP 8.  Would it be possible for you to (at least temporarily) reinstall the DLLs and try the -L switch?  We would really like to know whether this is a fix, so that we can adjust the setup program.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Dimitrije Vujacic on 10/29/2004 04:14:02 AM:

I have not tried solution with -L switch, but after removing run-time DLLs installed by VFP from disk (except vfp8renu.dll) it works properly.


For your information FoxWeb 2.6 does not have this problem.





Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/28/2004 09:17:37 PM:
My guess is that the run-time resource DLL installed by FoxWeb is not the right one for the international version of Windows that you are running.  FoxWeb installs the English version of the VFP 8 resource DLL.
One possible solution we have not tried is to use the -L switch to specify the English resource file:
"c:\Program Files\FoxWeb\fwconfig.exe" -L"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP\Vfp8renu.dll"
You will have to adjust the paths to fwconfig.exe and vfp8renu.dll to match the correct locations on your server.  We have not tried this solution and have no idea whether it will work.  Please let us know if it does, so that we can make the necessary adjustments in the setup program.
If the above solution does not work, we will probably have to supply you with the correct resource file your system.  Which language are you using on your OS?  We may be able to supply the following DLLs:
vfp8rchs.dll Chinese (PRC)
vfp8rcht.dll Chinese (Taiwan)
vfp8rcsy.dll Czech
vfp8rdeu.dll German
vfp8renu.dll English
vfp8resn.dll Spanish 
vfp8rfra.dll French
vfp8rkor.dll Korean
vfp8rrus.dll Russian

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Dimitrije Vujacic on 10/28/2004 03:57:35 AM:
Trying to run the FoxWeb Control Center I got this message:
Error: "Falsche Version der Ressourcendatei"