Date:  11/09/2004 11:06:26 AM Msg ID:  002344
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002340
Subject:  Re: Length of passed variable
The length of data that can be passed in the query string depends on your Web server and the version of FoxWeb you are running, but in no case will it be more than a few KB.  Passing more than a couple of KB with this technique is not recommended.  One alternative is to store the data in a hidden form field and submit it when the user clicks on the submit button.  If you don't want to display a button, but would rather have the link, you can use JavaScript to submit the form when the user clicks on the link:

<form action="printit1.fwx" method="post" name="HiddenForm">

<input type="hidden" name="mletter"><%=TEXTMERGE(M.LNOTES, .F.)%></input>


<a href="#" onclick="document.forms['HiddenForm'].submit(); return false;">[Print]</a>


FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 11/05/2004 09:54:56 PM:
How many characters in a text string can one variable pass to another variable in another page? For example, the value of M.LNOTES is about two pages of text. When passed to the called FWX I'm only getting about less than a full page.
Please consider the following code snippit
<A HREF="printit1.fwx?mletter=<%=Server.URLEncode(TEXTMERGE(M.LNOTES, .F.))%>" TARGET="_BLANK">[Print]</A>
MergedText = Request.QueryString('mletter')
Thanks for you help.