Date:  11/12/2004 10:15:16 AM Msg ID:  002351
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002350
Subject:  Re: FORM GET Problem
This issue is related to the limitation discussed in your previous posting.  Forms submitted via the GET method, send their data via the query string, which has a relatively low limit.  There is absolutely no reason to EVER use the GET method -- always use POST.
By the way, you should always surround HTML tag attributes with quotes:
<FORM NAME="getletter" METHOD="GET" ACTION="getletter1.fwx">
Most browsers will work if you omit the quotes, but you will run into problems if the attribute value contains spaces.  You must always use correct HTML instead of assuming that if your code works in one situation/browser, it will work in all others.
One more suggestion: Whenever you need to insert script code in your postings, please paste it in a Code Block frame.  You can insert the yellow frames in a message by clicking the button in the toolbar.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 11/12/2004 09:55:34 AM:
Hello All. I have a problem with the amount of characters passed using a FORM GET. IT only passes 1927 characters and if the character length is over 1927 the action button does not work. Here is the code.
<FORM NAME=getletter METHOD=GET ACTION="getletter1.fwx">
<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
   <TEXTAREA name="newletter" rows=40 cols=90 WRAP="VIRTUAL" ALIGN="TOP"><%=TEXTMERGE(LNOTES, .F.)%</TEXTAREA>
   <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME=btnchoice VALUE="   SEND   ">
Any help would be appreciated.