Date:  01/28/2005 07:31:42 AM Msg ID:  002418
From:  Jean-Francois Mathieu Thread:  002418
Subject:  Track back error


I like to know how I could trap this error that I get in foxweb ?

There was an error during the interpretation of your request.

Error #:      107
Message: Operator/operand type mismatch.
Program: c:\program files\foxweb\programs\conexio\fw_enter.fxp

in the browser. And in the error log I have

Script:c:\program files\foxweb\programs\conexio\fw_enter.fxp

Error : 107 : Operator/operand type mismatch.

Line : 0 : Not Available (Run Time)    

Prev: procedure www_run www_read.fxp 

I also like to know what is www_run and www_read ?


Server information :

FoxWeb 2.6 / Windows 2000 Server / IIS



J.F. Mathieu