Date:  01/28/2005 06:29:32 PM Msg ID:  002424
From:  Jean-Francois Mathieu Thread:  002424
Subject:  Cookie of Session Variable
I have post about Session state that is lost a few month ago Re: Session variable not "working" Thread 001370. My problem was solve up to recently some users bring me back a problem.
The situation:
In fw_enter I do the authenfication with session variable (I set them) and on the other request I validate the user by the session variable.
So I first pass by [fw_enter]Login.fwx and after go to [fw_enter]fUpdate.fwx and there fw_enter stop the user because I can't find the session variable and I say to the user :
                         * Message *
Access restricted!
Combinaison Username and Company not found.

Technical info:
*Company: (from session variable)
*Username: (from session variable)
*Code: www003297
*ParamID: 1FR120CL41
*SessionID: 1FR19FN2W1
The ParamID is the sessionid that I have pass to keep track and the SessionID is the new session id.
But I have found that everything works find if I change my "Privacy Setting" from Medium to Low. (this is happening on IE)
If you whant to check go to and set your Privacy to Medium. You should get some thing like this message and retry with Privacy Low.
So to me it seems that the problem regard the cookie of session. Do you have been I contact with this problem before ?

J.F. Mathieu