Date:  02/05/2005 08:25:17 AM Msg ID:  002440
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002437
Subject:  Re: Popup calendar
My guess is that your previous attempt failed because the <script> tag that you used to include the calendar code in your document pointed to the wrong URL.  In order to include static files, such as javascript  (js), stylesheet, image files in your FoxWeb scripts, you must make sure that you store these static files in a web-accessible folder (as opposed to the folder where your fwx files reside) and use absolute URLs.  This topic is covered in depth in the Locating and Addressing Scripts topic of the FoxWeb documentation.  

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Carlos Fuertes on 02/04/2005 04:28:32 AM:
Hi all,
I have seen some Javascript codes to popup a calendar and select a date into a form field, but I am not able to aply them to my Foxweb scripts. Has anybody a clear example of how to do it (code included)?. Please, send to
Any help will be apreciated