Date:  02/13/2005 02:04:29 PM Msg ID:  002448
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002444
Subject:  Re: Error in FW Foundation Program, Auth obj
Can you please send us a copy of your error logs?  Please send the following files to
errors.dbf, errors.cdx, errors.fpt, fwstart.log

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jennifer Welch on 02/11/2005 07:28:24 AM:
First, thanks very much for the quick response.
I had not tried running authenticate.fwx.  When I did it returned exactly the same error as does my script, both in the browser and in the error log.
I have an authform.fwx in c:\program files\foxweb.
We have full VFP 6.0 loaded on the server (running Win 2k) - and in the FoxWeb Control Center under the configuration tab the 'use runtime dll' box is unchecked.
There is already an authform.fxp in c:\program files\foxweb.  I assume this means that it's been compiled..
Do you have any other suggestions? 
Thanks Again
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/10/2005 08:32:25 PM:
Have you tried using the Authenticate.fwx script that comes with FoxWeb?  Do you get the same error with that script?
Also, make sure that the login form you are using exists (by default it's called AuthForm.fwx and it's stored in the FoxWeb installation folder).  If you are using the VFP run-time DLL, then you will need to also make sure to manually compile the login form script.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jennifer Welch on 02/10/2005 08:55:34 AM:
I am working on changing my authentication from using the old oPass object to using the Auth object.
The old opass code still works just fine.
When I change the authentication to use the auth object I get the error:
Error in FoxWeb Foundation Program in my browser.
When I check the error log on the server it says:
202 Invalid path or filename
Please help?
Thank You