Date:  02/24/2005 05:53:39 AM Msg ID:  002459
From:  Andrea Caletti Thread:  002459
Subject:  No Channels Active when run as SERVICE
I'm using Windows 2003 y FoxWeb 3.0
We have a different behaviour where Foxweb run not as a Service and when run as service.
If the program run NOT as a service all works fine: when channel goes down, it restarts after few seconds.
But when foxweb run as a service the channels don't restart altough the fwstart.log says the contrary.
The user that start the service is 'LocalMachine' but we hawe tryed also with an Administrator account.
We also have verified that the user has full access in the registry:
hkey_local_machine\software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb
02/24/2005 14:30:42 Closing FoxWeb
02/24/2005 14:30:46 Starting FoxWeb
02/24/2005 14:32:33 Killed Channel 1: /FormTab@quality/gestab
02/24/2005 14:32:36 Restarting Channel 1
02/24/2005 14:32:58 Killed Channel 2: /FormTab@quality/gestab
02/24/2005 14:33:01 Restarting Channel 2
Best regards.