Date:  03/16/2005 12:33:59 AM Msg ID:  002480
From:  Andy Thread:  002457
Subject:  Re: Service
I try to follow your instruction below, but I can't find
permission menu when right click.  Please more details.
Thank you.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/23/2005 08:06:23 PM:
Any account that needs to run or configure FoxWeb will need read and write access to its registry key.  You can either place the account in a different group with more rights, or you can change the security configuration in the FoxWeb registry key as necessary.  In order to change the security configuration open regedit, locate hkey_local_machine\software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb, right click and select permissions.  Add the user(s) in question to the list and select Full Access.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Andy on 02/23/2005 07:44:08 PM:
To install FW we used administrator rights to get full access to server,
and input License Key.  But In daily work we only login with
system_operator account to server, that don't have access to registry.
Is that the problem why FW doesn't have license key (or blank) when
login other than administrator ?  How to fixed this problem ?