Date:  03/18/2005 07:02:23 PM Msg ID:  002486
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002485
Subject:  Re: Slow Query / Coverage Profiler
First of all, make sure that you are comparing apples to apples.  Are the queries running on the same computer?  Is the database table on the same computer?  Obviously, running a query across the network, or on a slower machine can dramatically increase execution time.

Assuming that all other things are equal, the query performance issue may be related to the buffer memory.  Try increasing it in FoxWeb (you will need to restart your channels), or decreasing it in VFP and see what you get.  Please note that the buffer size you specify in the FoxWeb Control Center is equally divided between all open channels.  Also, try using your query while running only a single channel.

The coverage profiler requires a PRG file, so you need to enable the Keep PRG Files option in order to use it.  The same is true with the debugger. 

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jeff Grippe on 03/18/2005 06:22:35 AM:
I have a query in my FXP that is taking an unusually long time to execute.
I turned on the coverage profiler and the query appears to be taking 44 seconds to execute.
When I do the same query in the command box from the VFP IDE it takes 1 second to execute.
It is a simple query of one table with index tags existing for both fields in the where clause.
Is there any reason why it should take longer from an FPW script then from the command box?
Also, If I want to use the coverage profiler application I assume it would be necessary to turn on the option to "keep the prg files"? Is that correct?