Date:  03/27/2005 11:43:54 PM Msg ID:  002490
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002489
Subject:  Re: server.execute directories
The path specified as an argument to the Server.Execute and Server.Transfer methods is a file system path -- not a web server path and should be relative to the location of the script containing the call.   This means that the path should contain back-slashes (\), not slashes (/).  If the path starts with a back-slash, then it will be relative to the root of the drive containing the source script.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by John Potter on 03/27/2005 12:06:02 AM:
Good Morning,
I can't get server.execute to execute a file in other than the current directory.
Works fine:
Then, I move head.fwx to the foo directory just off the root and none of the below work:
What am I doing wrong?
John Potter