Date:  04/07/2005 11:20:32 AM Msg ID:  002507
From:  James Williams Thread:  002503
Subject:  Re: Server slow down (slow script respon
Everything that i have described is on a local level (local lan).
The server is a :
dual xeon server 
1gb ram
200gb hdd
100 base lan
The connection to the internet is a 1m cable modem.
The script that executes the select statement runs in about 4 seconds.
It is the return of the form data to the server that takes the time.
While the form is sending back to the server other workstations (browsers) may get the message "foxweb broker is not responding" or "foxweb broker timed out"). if they do not get this message they will be slow.
I put insert statements into the fw_start.prg and fw_exit.prg files to log start and end times of script excution to test if the returning script is causing the problem but the script does not even get to start.
I will try and run the script from the server itself to see if i get the same problem.
This problem seems to have started when we upgraded to foxweb 3. 
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/07/2005 08:12:06 AM:
Please tell us a bit about your situation.

What kind of hardware are you running?
What kind of connection do you have to the Internet?
What kind of connection does the browser making the offending request have to the Internet?

Could it be that the other channels appear to slow down, because your Internet connection gets saturated, or do local calls from the server also appear slower?  Also, what happens when you call the same script and select all clients from a browser running on your server?  Do you get the same performance problems?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by James Williams on 04/07/2005 04:25:47 AM:
I am also getting unable to connect to broker messages.
Sent by James Williams on 04/06/2005 07:40:20 AM:
Script response times slow right down when i post a large form to the server.
i have a form that asks the user to select from a list of clients (multiselect). This list has currently around 600 entries.
If the user selects all the clients and they post this form we see a noticeable slow down in all other script, to the point that you thing that the scripts have stoped responeding.
The script takes about 30 secs to upload and about 4 secs to execute.
Does the individual channel receive the post data or does the post data come in through one point (the broker) and then get passed on from there.
How can i resolve this.
Windows 2000 server
Foxweb 3
6 channels running
100mb per channel