Date:  05/05/2005 01:14:46 PM Msg ID:  002535
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002534
Subject:  Re: External Procedure File is giving me err
Are you running FoxWeb with the VFP Run-Time DLL?  This is controlled by a setting in the Configuration screen of the FoxWeb Control Center.  If yes, then you need to make sure that you compile all PRG and FWX files manually.  If you are running FoxWeb 3 and above, and VFP 6 and above, you can use the new fwadmin.fwx to compile files from a Web browser.  For details, please refer to the following links:

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Michael Wheat on 05/04/2005 03:19:21 PM:


I am trying to make a procedure call to an external procedure outside the fxp file.  The procedure file is in c:\Program Files\FoxWeb\Programs.  I keep getting this error saying that the file does not exist.


This is the same as in the samples.  Even the samples fail.


Error#: 1

Message: File 'olbheaderlogin.prg' does not exist.

Program: c:\program files\foxweb\programs\olblogin.fxp

Line#: 48

Line: OLBFooterLogin()


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thank you,
