Date:  05/10/2005 03:37:32 PM Msg ID:  002564
From:  Doug Dodge Thread:  002541
Subject:  Re: \"There are no open channels.\" error & II
One other thing..
I think it might (maybe, guessing knock on wood <g>) be possible to configure Windows 2003 & SSI to work. It's just a matter of finding the right 'lever' to pull I think. That is what I have been looking for.
This code has been running for quite some time, so SSI has been working for quite some time. This issue isn't in my mind whether SSI will work or not, but where in the heck are the 'levers' in Windows 2003 to make it work? <g>
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/10/2005 03:16:03 PM:
This is really interesting.  So you are using SSI to call FoxWeb scripts!  I don't think I have ever seen FoxWeb used this way, nor do I know if it would cause any complications.
However, I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is.  I didn't notice this in your previous message, but I just realized that you are trying to run FoxWeb 1.29c on Windows 2003.  This is not a supported configuration.  FoxWeb 1.29c was released way before Windows 2003 and only supports Windows NT, 2000, 95 and 98.
I'm afraid you will have to upgrade to FoxWeb 3 if you want to run under a newer version of Windows.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Doug Dodge on 05/09/2005 02:46:58 PM:
An additional piece of information that might help...
.htm & .html pages work flawlessly. The problem page has a .SHTML extension. Now, that page has the following line of code it (I didn't write & works on W2K servers:
Apparently this line is executed by the CGI engine?
I have tried moving the cgi-bin directory into various locations with no joy.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/09/2005 02:34:33 PM:
Have you looked at fwstart.log?  Something is preventing channels from starting properly when you run fwstart.exe.  You should be able to verify this, by right-clicking on the FoxWeb icon in the system tray and selecting Status.  No channels will show up in the status window.
Other than looking at fwstart.log, you can also try disabling the Hide Channels option.  This will allow you to see your individual channels initializing, along with any error messages that may pop up.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Doug Dodge on 05/09/2005 02:29:43 PM:
No, I am not running FoxWeb as a service.
I checked the R/W priviledges for IUSR & IWAN for the FoxWeb directory & subdirectory and they're ok.
I'll check the VFP rights.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/09/2005 02:18:01 PM:
Are you running FoxWeb as a service?  If yes, then you will need to make sure that the service logon user has sufficient rights.  At a minimum, this user must have:
  • Full rights to the FoxWeb registry key (hklm\Software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb)
  • Read/Write rights to the FoxWeb program folder (c:\Program Files\FoxWeb)
  • Read/Write rights to the FoxWeb Program Root and it's sub-folders.
The user will also need sufficient rights to run VFP.  It's possible that this user may require additional rights, depending on your scripts.
I recommend that you take a look at the file fwstart.log, which may contain clues that may help you identify where the problem is.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Doug Dodge on 05/09/2005 01:50:16 PM:
Hi Folks,
I am getting the following error:
 "Error in CGI Back-End Program"
"There are no open channels.
I am running on IIS6.0 and have obviously missed some critical permissions or security issue. I have gone through all the docs & searched the form for something that would help and I'm stumpified right now.
I am using v1.29c (I know I know - we're upgrading <g>) but the only difference with this test site & the others is that this is IIS 6.0, so I figure that's where the problem is at. After checking everything I can find I am still overlooking something (probably real simple.)
Any help out there?