Date:  05/23/2005 01:52:23 PM Msg ID:  002576
From:  Jennifer Welch Thread:  002571
Subject:  Re: VFP9
upon closer examination, it looks like VFP7 also has the functionality in the strconv() function that I need.  Will this be compatible with FoxWeb 2.5? (my current version)
If so, what is the procedure for upgrading just my VFP from 6 to 7?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/19/2005 04:46:11 PM:
FoxWeb 3.0 only supports VFP 5-8, but FoxWeb 3.1 will support VFP 9.  We expect this version to be released in the next few of weeks.
In order to migrate you will have in install VFP 9 (you don't have to uninstall VFP 6), uninstall FoxWeb 2.6 and install FoxWeb 3.1.  During setup, select "FoxWeb for VFP 9."  Your existing settings should work fine, but you will need to enter a software license key that is valid for FoxWeb 3.X (this is not a free upgrade).
Sorry, but we have absolutely no expertise on the development of FoxPro applications with Unicode character sets, so we can't be of much help in this area.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jennifer Welch on 05/18/2005 07:54:23 AM:
We are running Foxweb 2.5 with VFP 6.  The need has arisen recently to move Chinese (unicode) characters from SQL, through FoxWeb, to display on a web page.  I need a newer version of the strconv() function found in VFP9 that I hope will help me accomplish this.
Q1: The last post I saw about VFP9 said it was in Beta and not supported yet.  Will FoxWeb support it now?
Q2: If Foxweb will support it, what is the best procedure for migration?  (i.e. shut foxweb down, uninstall 6, install 9, restart foxweb????) and are there any settings in Foxweb that will need to change?
Q3:  Any advice on these Chinese characters (unicode?)  Will VFP9 function strconv() work?
I appreciate your help.