Date:  05/31/2005 01:08:27 PM Msg ID:  002587
From:  tb Thread:  002585
Subject:  Re: from prg to a link
I am running v2.6. I tried both your examples but no redirection took place, just blank page. I did stumble on Response.Redirect command and
Response.Redirect("https://iridium/lmca/error.htm") worked. Would you reckon this code should stand?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/31/2005 10:32:01 AM:
Are you trying to create a link in a FoxWeb 1.29 script?  If yes, try the following:
if begd > endda
  theerror='Check the beg date and end date for accuracy'
  html_out = html_out+ '<a href="https://iridium/lmca/error.htm">Error!</a>'
If on the other hand you are trying to redirect the user to another page, you can use the following:

if begd > endda
  theerror='Check the beg date and end date for accuracy'
  html_out = 'Location: https://iridium/lmca/error.htm'+chr(10)+chr(10)


FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by TB on 05/31/2005 06:40:59 AM:
A bit rusty here, but how do I point to another web site from within a foxweb prg? I no longer wish to use the line that is commented out. For example:
if begd > endda
  theerror='Check the beg date and end date for accuracy'
 * html_out = html_out+mergetxt(readfile('anerror.htm'))
  html_out = html_out+ '<a href= https://iridium/lmca/error.htm'
Obviously this syntax does not work, any ideas?