Date:  06/20/2005 01:30:55 PM Msg ID:  002603
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002602
Subject:  Re: Newbie needs help!!
The login dialog may be triggered by the Web user not having rights to run the ISAPI extension, but it's difficult to provide any help without knowing more about the server:
The easiest way to get these answers (with the exception of the FoxWeb version) is to export the following registry key:
hkey_local_machine\software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb\CurrentVersion\ 
In addition to the above, please provide us with any instructions provided by the programmer to the person performing the installation.
Please note that .fwx scripts, as well as any other files used by FoxWeb, should not be stored in the web tree with your static html and image files, but rather in a separate location, called the FoxWeb Program Tree (there are a few exceptions, but you must really know what you are doing in such cases).  This is explained in the Locating and Addressing Scripts topic of the FoxWeb documentation.
Also, make sure the the IUSR_<ServerName> user has the following rights:
  • Full rights in the FoxWeb registry key (hkey_local_machine\software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb\)
  • Read and Execute rights in the location where foxweb.dll is installed.
  • Full rights in the FoxWeb Program Root and its subfolders.
  • Full rights in the FoxWeb installation folder (c:\program files\FoxWeb).

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Devin Delane on 06/20/2005 09:33:10 AM:



I am running FoxWeb on a shared server. Not my choice, but the owner wants to keep cost down. Since I am the guy coordinating the install I've run into some problems. I've asked the web hosting service to load FoxWeb onto the server and configure Foxweb per the programmers request.


The problem is the programmer is telling me if he goes to this link he should be able to access his program he has written. He says:


I copied my programs and data into httpsdocs. When I try to access my program as  I get a login screen then an error both for http and https


I told the programmer the file folder he has normprg.fwx is realy in:


But he says it does not matter, if we followed his directions setting up the configuration file it should pick up his file.


When I do go to the link, I get a username and password box that pops up from our server. The thing is I've never set up a protected directory on the server - so I have no idea why the login box appears.


My web hosting service says to load all of the files in the HTTPdocs folder for public viewing and not the HttpsDocs folder but the programmer has places the files in both places and we are getting the same results. WE have also placed a test.htm at the address mentioned and it pulls up fine in a browser - no login box appears.



If anyone has any ideas that would be awesome!


Thank you,