Date:  06/27/2005 12:21:34 PM Msg ID:  002613
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002610
Subject:  Re: speed when DBF has 500M & 1G record ?
FoxWeb is actually using the native Visual FoxPro engine, so web searches take exactly the same amount of time as regular VFP searches.  A search of one million records (assuming proper indexing) will not even come close to stressing the capabilities of VFP, so you don't need to worry about the size of your database.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Duc Nguyen Chi on 06/24/2005 02:18:39 AM:
Hello Everybody !
I am Vietnamese , I am very sory about my English .
My company has a databse of customers on foxpro2.6 , It has 500M and  1 millon records. My company has 500 users
Now , I search on Internet and I known FOXWEB ,I want to write a program to search (SQL) on Intranet by web .
I have a question about of foxweb : "How long does It take to get Search Results in real time"
Could you help me ?
Thank you