Date:  07/20/2005 06:54:00 AM Msg ID:  002638
From:  Carl Subick Thread:  002630
Subject:  Re: Dramatic slowdown from 3.0 to 3.1

We've identified the bottleneck as the locate command.  Once the locate command was removed and a workaround was put in place he execution time was improved from 107sec to 8sec.

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/15/2005 12:41:09 PM:
Any progress on this?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Carl Subick on 07/13/2005 07:02:57 AM:

I'll give it a try.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/12/2005 01:27:29 PM:
Please add the following line in your script.  It will tell us for sure which version of VFP is actually being used:
If you are indeed running VFP 6, then you need to do a little more digging to figure out which code is causing the slow down.  You can do so by either tracing through your script as described in the Troubleshooting section of the FoxWeb documentation, or by adding debugging messages as follows:

Some of your code...

Response.Write(LTRIM(STR(LINENO())) + ': ' + ;

      LTRIM(STR(SECONDS() - Request.StartSeconds)) + ;

      ' seconds have elapsed<BR>')

Some more of your code...

Response.Write(LTRIM(STR(LINENO())) + ': ' + ;

      LTRIM(STR(SECONDS() - Request.StartSeconds)) + ;

      ' seconds have elapsed<BR>')

Some more of your code...

Response.Write(LTRIM(STR(LINENO())) + ': ' + ;

      LTRIM(STR(SECONDS() - Request.StartSeconds)) + ;

      ' seconds have elapsed<BR>')

Some more of your code...

By inserting the code in blue in strategic places in your code, you should be able to find the part that causes the delay.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Carl Subick on 07/12/2005 11:15:37 AM:

I've done as you suggested but I'm still getting identical results.

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/12/2005 10:28:51 AM:
There is absolutely nothing in FoxWeb 3.1 that would cause a slow-down compared to FoxWeb 3.0.  My guess is that the problem is related to VFP 9.  Microsoft has revamped their SQL search engine in VFP 9 and we have heard of as well as experienced several problems related to this.  in fact, we have kept this Forum running on VFP 8, because certain pages would take 30 seconds to display instead of the usual fraction of a second.
I realize that you have tried FoxWeb 3.1 with both VFP 6 and VFP 9, but there must be a mistake.  Please try installing version 3.1 for VFP 6 and try your test again.  You can verify the version of VFP you are running by calling fwAdmin.asp and looking at the System Information page.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Carl Subick on 07/11/2005 08:53:25 AM:

We're experiencing a dramatic slowdown executing a calculation intensive program when we upgraded from 3.0 to 3.1

Here're the results of our testing.

Server: 1.4GHZ PIII, 1GIG RAM, Win 2K
Apache: 2.0.54

Foxweb 2.6 (Vfp 6.0 runtime): 23 sec.
Foxweb 3.0 (Vfp 6.0 runtime): 24 sec.
Foxweb 3.1 (Vfp 6.0 runtime): 107 sec.
Foxweb 3.1 (Vfp 9.0 runtime): 107 sec.