Date:  08/03/2005 04:56:29 AM Msg ID:  002659
From:  Fernando Medan Thread:  002654
Subject:  Re: Could not load resource file
Now it works well.
Thank you very much again for your help.
Fernando Medan 
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/01/2005 09:03:41 PM:
Could it be that you are running a Spanish version of Windows, but you only have the English version of the resource file?  We have seen this before with some international versions of Windows.
Can you run other executables created with VFP?  How about trying to run fwconfig from within VFP with the DO command?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Fernando Medan on 08/01/2005 09:42:47 AM:
I installed runtime but the problem persists: incorrect version of the resource file.