Date:  08/16/2005 12:57:10 AM Msg ID:  002669
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002667
Subject:  Re: Upload error
The following is an excerpt from the Common Problems chapter of the FoxWeb documentation:
"Could not Create POST Data File" error

For performance reasons, if the size of the POST data buffer is larger than 100 KB, FoxWeb stores it to a temporary file instead of sending it directly to the assigned channel. The location of this file is determined by the Temporary Directory setting, specified in the FoxWeb Control Center. To prevent this problem from happening you must make sure that the user that FoxWeb is running under has write privileges to the Temporary Directory location and that there is enough free disk space for the total size of all files being uploaded at the same time.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Elmer Espinoza on 08/15/2005 09:54:44 AM:

FoxWeb Message

The FoxWeb Service has returned the following message:

Could not Create POST Data File.

How solve this error,  when upload file to server, I'm have W2K SP4 + SQL2KSP3a + FW211 + VFP7, the account that runs FWServer as services have all permisions on Server ... though developer machine WinXP i can upload bigger files.

Como resuelvo este error, cuando hago un Upload al servidor, tengo Windows 2000 con, SQL 2000 FoxWeb 2.11 y VFP7, la cuenta que ejecuta el servicio FoxWeb tiene todos los permisos en el servidor ... sin embargo en mi maquina de desarrollo que es WinXP si puede hacer Uploads de archivos de mas de 7MB ... un dato adicional es que el en servidor solo puedo subir archivos pequeños de 30K, 50K ... pero necesito subir archivos de mas 1MB , 2MB

Por favor reposnder a este mail:

gracias por la ayuda
Elmer Espinoza
Lima, PERU