Date:  08/17/2005 01:42:59 AM Msg ID:  002678
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002675
Subject:  Re: checkbox
Accessing checkbox fields is identical to any other types of fields.  Are you sure that your field actually contains data?  My guess is that your HTML code for the field is incorrect. 

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by mauricio medel morán on 08/16/2005 12:46:07 PM:
as a field can be read checkbox?
Session.SetVar("m.formv",Request.Item("cantt",Session.GetVar("m.formcc"))) (read ok)
Session.SetVar("m.formpre",Request.Item("precc",Session.GetVar("m.formcc")))  (read ok))
Session.SetVar("m.formpro",Request.Item("check",Session.GetVar("m.formcc"))) (no read)
Help.  regards
Mauricio Medel Morán