Date:  08/17/2005 09:38:20 AM Msg ID:  002681
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002665
Subject:  Re: Script errors does not work
It would be useful for us to examine your FoxWeb configuration.  Please open the registry editor (regedit.exe), navigate to hklm\software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb\Current Version and export the key to a file (you will need to rename the file to .txt, so that it does not get blocked by our mail server).  Send this file to, along with a copy of errors.fwx.
Another thing to try is to use the supplied file ErrHandler.fwx (you will need to modify it just a bit to make it different than the default handler and then compile it).

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Fernando Medan on 08/17/2005 04:59:44 AM:
The error handler (errors.fwx) is compiled, but the script is not executed.
The message of original error appears.
Thank you,
Fernando Medan
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/13/2005 03:22:19 PM:
Please be a little more specific.  What do you mean by "the error routine does not work"?  Are you getting an error message?  Are you still getting the original error handler?  Since you are using the run-time DLL, you must make sure that you manually compile your error handler (errors.fwx).

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Fernando Medan on 08/12/2005 10:30:52 AM:
I am using FoxWeb 2.6 / VFP 6.0 and:
Error template: c:\inetpub\cgi\errors.fwx
* Use run-time DLL
* Log script errors
* Run as a service
The error routine does not work.
Any idea?