Date:  10/30/2005 10:28:43 AM Msg ID:  002732
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002731
Subject:  Re: How to run a page over intranet.
If a specific URL works locally on the server, but not from another computer, then the problem is external to FoxWeb.  I would first concentrate on being able to access anything on the Web server -- not just FoxWeb requests.  Make sure that the server name (dl2) resolves to the correct IP address (you can do so by running "nslookup dl2" in the windows command prompt) and that there's no firewall preventing you from making HTTP requests to your server.
A couple more comments:

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by m husain on 10/30/2005 10:05:46 AM:
i am a new fwx user (evaluation).
we have win-xp pcs connected in a workgroup. i have installed foxweb on one of the machines with server name "dl2",  "myweb" folder with a page "hello.fwx". 
entering http://dl2/myweb/hello.fxp at the local pc works ok.
entering same url from another computer on the network does not work.
can you please help ?