Date:  12/12/2005 01:04:55 PM Msg ID:  002770
From:  Larry Zhang Thread:  002662
Subject:  Re: Colors/Highlights for FWX files?
I get confused a bit here. do you mean we have to create a folder called TextPad32 and dump the file there?  under C:\Windows\system\  ??
How do we change the Option?  Thanks.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/27/2005 07:20:29 PM:
We have placed a syntax highlighting profile for TextPad 32 ( on our server.  The file may be downloaded from  To use it, simply copy it in the system sub-folder of the TextPad32 folder and create a new file type in the Options screen.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jay Johengen on 08/05/2005 04:32:58 AM:
First post here, so forgive me if it's a simplistic question...
When editing Foxweb files they appear as just boring, hard to read, text files. I've tried a variety of editors already with the same result. Anything out there that would have color options for tags, keywords, etc for FWX files?