Date:  02/24/2006 09:38:38 PM Msg ID:  002851
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002845
Subject:  Re: Corrupted file when downloading
After looking a little deeper into the problem, the problem is not caused by timeouts, but rather by VFP's maximum variable size, which is equal to 16,777,184 characters.
I bet that if you check your error log, you will find "String is too long to fit" (1903) errors.  The code in my previous message solves the problem.
Note that VFP's max variable size affects most string operations, but does not prevent you from creating larger strings with the FILETOSTR function.  Subsequent versions of FoxWeb will be enhanced to eliminate this limit in most situations.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/24/2006 08:08:36 PM:
It also seems like the large content size may be causing timing problems.  Try sending the file in chunks:

cfile = request.item('cFile')
IF not empty(cfile)
  * A file was selected in the form
  Response.Buffer = .T.
  FileName = alltrim(cfile)
  FileExtension = UPPER(JustExt(FileName))
  * Verify that the file exists and is one of the authorized types
  IF FILE(FileName)
    * The content type must be changed in order to prevent browsers from displaying certain file types
    ContentType = "application/unknown"
    * Specify file name
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + cFile)
    * Read contents of file into string
    FileContent = ReadFile(FileName)
    * Specify size so that progress bar works properly
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", Server.ToString(LEN(FileContent)))
    Response.ContentType = ContentType
    * Send file to browser in chunks of 5 MB
    M.ChunkSize = 5000000
    FOR M.CurChunk = 1 TO CEILING(LEN(M.FileContent) / M.ChunkSize)

      * Make sure that the script won't time out
      Server.AddScriptTimeout(5, .T.)

      * Send the next chunk
      Response.Write(SUBSTR(M.FileContent, ((M.CurChunk - 1) * M.ChunkSize) + 1, M.ChunkSize))
        Selected file does not exist, please contact IT Support

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Ali Koumaiha on 02/21/2006 07:25:47 AM:
I am using the example provided download.fwx, and i made minor modifications.  I am having 2 problems:
1- Files being downloaded are corrupted.  For example, if i have a small zip file 300K which opens prior to downloading, after it is downloaded via the method/code below, i cannot open the file again.  I tried it with XLS file, BMP file, JPG file, etc..
2- Files that are over 15MB will not download.  I have a file that is 20MB on a LAN (Basically my app is running on the lan), using the method below, the browser IE6 prompts for Save/Open.  When i click save, it acts as if its about to download, and after like 3 minutes or saw, i get a messagebox from IE "Server was reset or something like...etc.."
Do i have to put the files in a the root/accessible and just pass a link to the user?
I really want to use a script to do that.  What are my options.
thanks in advance.

   cfile = request.item('cFile')
IF not empty(cfile)
 * A file was selected in the form
 Response.Buffer = .T.
 FileName = alltrim(cfile)
 FileExtension = UPPER(JustExt(FileName))
 * Verify that the file exists and is one of the authorized types
 IF FILE(FileName)
  * The content type must be changed in order to prevent browsers from displaying certain file types
  ContentType = "application/unknown"
  * Specify file name
  Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + cFile)
  * Read contents of file into string
  FileContent = ReadFile(FileName)
  * Specify size so that progress bar works properly
  Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", Server.ToString(LEN(FileContent)))
  Response.ContentType = ContentType
  Response.Buffer = .T.
  * Send file to browser
  response.write("Selected file does not exist, please contact IT Support")
