Date:  08/10/2006 05:46:40 PM Msg ID:  003084
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002217
Subject:  Re: how to get the logon user
By the way, the "LOGON_USER" server variable seems to be equivalent to the AUTH_USER server variable.  In order for these variables to be populated, you must first force authentication for specific pages by sending an HTTP 401 header.  Here's some sample code that worked for us, but please note that we are no experts in this area, so you may have to do additional research.
IF EMPTY(Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"))
 Response.Status = "401 Unauthorized"
 Response.AddHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'basic realm="FoxWeb"')

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/10/2006 05:13:15 PM:
In some cases IIS provides information about the user to server-side scripts in the "LOGON_USER" server variable.  In general, this information will only be available in situations where the user has to log into the page via HTTP authentication.  Typically this is not going to be useful, unless you are operating in an intranet situation, where all your users have windows accounts on the web server or the domain.  Moreover, you will have to configure your Web server, so that all FoxWeb requests require authentication.  For additional details please refer to

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by T B on 08/09/2006 10:18:10 AM:
How would I obtain the "LOGON_USER" when there is no web site logon but just anonymous. Since my situation is an intranet and users log on to the domain, wouldn't I be able to grab the "LOGON_USER" var?
thank you.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 09/27/2004 11:07:16 AM:
You could use IIS-based authentication to authenticate users with their Windows user IDs and passwords.  To do so, all you need to do is change permissions on foxweb.dll and foxweb.exe, so that the anonymous IIS users (IUSR_<ServerName> and IWAM_<ServerName>) do not have read access.  Once the user logs in, you can retrieve their userid and password with Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") and Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_PASSWORD").

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joël Croquet on 09/23/2004 12:22:05 AM:
I'm writing an Intranet application, running on W2K and WXPP PC's integrated in a W2K domain.    The IIS 5 allows an anonymous access.
The version of foxweb is 2.5
I would like my foxweb application to use the Windows logon user name to authenticate the user, instead of the auth method.
I tried different server variables like logon_user, but without success.
I also tried to disable the anonymous access and force the integrated authentication on the IIS, but then the user gets an authentication popup in IE when he tries to access the intranet website.
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance