Date:  04/26/2007 07:22:01 PM Msg ID:  003396
From:  Larry Zhang Thread:  003394
Subject:  Re: SMTP Server connection
Yes. It worked before with my machine name, like:
mySmartMail.Server = ""
I don't know how to configure SMTP server.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/26/2007 04:42:37 PM:
Are you running an SMTP server on the same machine as FoxWeb?  If not, then you need to specify the name, or IP address of your SMTP server, instead of "localhost".
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Larry Zhang on 04/26/2007 01:18:32 PM:
I used these codes to send email.

mySmartMail =CREATEOBJECT("AspSmartMail.SmartMail")
   *SMTP Mail Server
   mySmartMail.Server = "Localhost"
   mySmartMail.SenderName = cName
   mySmartMail.SenderAddress = ""
   mySmartMail.Recipients.Add(cRecipients, cName)
   mySmartMail.CCs.Add(cRecipients, "")



But now I got an error:
"Can't connect to SMTP server."