Date:  08/12/2007 02:13:33 PM Msg ID:  003484
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002517
Subject:  Re: unsuccessful login attempts
FoxWeb 4.0 will provide the ability to take custom action after unsuccessful logins.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/19/2005 08:08:59 PM:
I really don't see new features like this one being included in version 3.1, which is currently being tested.  It may be included in a future minor update, but I don't have this information yet.  My recommendation is to continue development without this and modify your scripts when it appears.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joël Croquet on 04/17/2005 02:59:16 AM:
What can we expect ?    A new feature in the next sub version 3.1 to be released next week ;-)  or do we have to wait for the next major release without delay ?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/15/2005 12:20:07 PM:
The Auth object automatically locks out the browser after a configurable number of unsuccessful login attempts.  This feature is controlled by setting the Auth.MaxLoginAttempts property.
FoxWeb does not currently expose an event model for the Auth object, so you can't take programmatic action after an unsuccessful login attempt.  We will look into adding this feature in a subsequent version.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joël Croquet on 04/15/2005 11:02:07 AM:
I would like to trace the unsuccessful login attempts, and take some actions like :
- send an e-mail to the administrator when a limit is reached.
- lock the account for a certain time
Is there a way to trace these attempts ?   I'm using Foxweb v2.
Thanks in advance