This is how we are currently doing it. Can this be something that you add in the next release?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/17/2009 09:21:07 AM:
There's no way to call code at channel start-up, but there's a way to run code before the first script that a particular channel serves.
Simply add your code in fw_enter.prg (or in a separate program called by fw_enter.prg) and make sure that it only gets called once, based on the value of a public variable:
IF ! StartupDone
... Add your code here
PUBLIC StartupDone
StartupDone = .T.
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Sent by James Williams on 02/14/2009 04:08:29 PM:
Sorry but it seems to be question time today!!
Is there a way of getting a channel to call a default script when it first starts?