Date:  06/22/2009 08:17:54 AM Msg ID:  003981
From:  Joël Thread:  003976
Subject:  Re: zipsearch

Thanks for your recommendation about Firebug, this is a great tool

I solved my FF issue by replacing :

var Zip = document.getElementById("VNtiers").value ;

with :

var Zip = window.document.forms['formulaire'].VNtiers.value ;

I don't understand, but it works
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/19/2009 09:34:00 AM:
That is correct. The only difference between the two versions is that the send method is passed an empty string instead of null.
For debugging purposes I highly recommend the Firefox Firebug extension. It's indispensable when trying to troubleshoot Ajax issues.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Joël on 06/19/2009 07:29:56 AM:

Sorry, I'm here again

The new Zipsearch script works with Firefox, but not my own program which is a simplified and modified version of Zipsearch

Can you confirm that the only difference between the two versions is the line ZipSearchHttp.send("");

Sent by Joël on 06/19/2009 12:14:16 AM:

There was no error message with the previous version

Problem solved with the new version you sent me

Thanks a lot
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/18/2009 12:53:25 PM:
Are you getting a "411 length required" error? The one included in version 4.3 has a bug that can cause this error. I will be sending you an updated version via email.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Joël on 06/16/2009 10:46:33 AM:
I've installed the sample script zipsearch on a server (IIS6 , W2003 R2 , foxweb 4.3)
It works perfectly with Internet Explorer (tested with IE 7) but not with Firefox 3.0.11
Do you have the same problem, and is there a workaround ?
Thanks in advance