Thank you for your prompt reply.
The only question I have is will this work with .FWX scripts where the named link has not yet been resolved?
Can I code the following?
I will try it . The worst that can happen is that it fails.
Thanks again.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/17/2010 02:43:30 PM:
You need to insert a link anchor in your document and reference its name after the # symbol in the link URL.
For example, if your document contains the following anchor:
<a name="JumpPoint">
The following URL will take you there:
For details on links and anchors, please refer to the HTML specification.
FoxWeb Support Team email |
Sent by Jeff Grippe on 02/17/2010 11:46:06 AM:
I have a large form with buttons that link to other scripts that can take the action necessary.
After the action is complete, I want to return to the first form at the same place where the user was when they took the action.
I tried
TheSkip = Request.QueryString() && get skip to if any
if not empty(TheSkip)
TheSkipTo = "#"+TheSkip
The NAME contained in TheSkip exists but the form wouldn't load with this code in place.
Is there a technique to programatically jumping to a NAMED place in an HTML file?