Date:  02/25/2010 09:02:15 AM Msg ID:  004129
From:  Pete Cuiry Thread:  002530
Subject:  Re: Compiling FWX files
We have a server that is still running version 2.11. When I tried to compile using version 4.3, I got an error that I did not get under 2.11.
How can I compile the .fwx files for 2.11 without the FWXCompile.exe program?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/27/2005 09:36:06 PM:
The FWXCompile program is only installed if you are running VFP 5.  You don't need FWXCompile for other VFP versions, because you can compile directly on the server, using either fwadmin.asp (recommended), or the fwCompile class.  For details please refer to the What's New in FoxWeb page of the documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Alan Harris-Reid on 04/27/2005 07:42:57 PM:

Using Foxweb version 3.0, the helpfile states that I can compile .fwx files into .fxp files using...

DO FWXCompile.EXE WITH cFileSpec [, bRecurse [, bForce [, bEncrypt]]]

but I cannot find FWXCompile.exe anywhere (I've searched the whole HDD).  Could anyone tell me where I can find this file?

Many thanks,

Alan Harris-Reid