Date:  09/05/2011 04:23:01 PM Msg ID:  004322
From:  Roger Stanley Thread:  004319
Subject:  Re: New Install
I reinstalled and now it appears to be working properly.
I tested the site and it's all working.   I will go through the documents to see what's involved.  
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 09/05/2011 03:07:11 PM:
It appears that FoxWeb was either not installed, or not configured properly on your new server. Please email a copy of fwstart.log, as well as any pertinent screen shots to Please make sure that you use the FoxWeb installer and that you don't transfer any registry entries from you old server to the new one. You may also want to uninstall and reinstall FoxWeb, just in case something failed the first time.
On a related note, given that your site was developed with FoxWeb 1.29c or earlier, I assume that you use the older URL syntax to call FoxWeb programs (see This syntax requires some additional configuration, which the FoxWeb setup program does not handle, because this syntax is no longer recommended or necessary. No need to worry. If you don't want to switch to script-mapped URLs, you can manually create the cgi-bin virtual directory. However, I recommend that you start with the sample scripts until we know that FoxWeb is installed properly.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Roger Stanley on 09/03/2011 12:05:02 PM:
 I've been using version 1.29c for years without any issues for a lot of years (I think around 1999).
I've just purchased the latest version 4.5 (haven't received my license yet) and am putting it on a Win7 machine.  I've also gone from VFP6 to VFP9.
When I go to my "test" site I'm getting a message (browser) that I'm trying to open a file (one of my DBFs) and asking what I want it to do.
When I look at Foxweb on the task bar it say 0 channels running.
The fwstart log shows:
09/03/2011 12:02:15 Restarting Channel 1 
09/03/2011 11:55:45 Error: 11 Message: "Function argument value, type, or count is invalid." Program: "PROCEDURE CLASSCONFIG.READCONFIG FWREADCONFIG.FXP" Line Number: 160 Line: "..." Channel: 1
(about 50 times).
When I copied over all my programs to the new computer I deleted all of the compiled programs (.fxp) and only left the .prg.
At this point I can't tell if I have a problem with the Foxweb install or if I've messed up with VFP9.
I need to get this running since the old computer is on it's last breath.  I don't think I can move 1.29c to the new computer since there is no option for VFP9.