Date:  09/10/2012 10:37:41 AM Msg ID:  004507
From:  G Barfield Thread:  004506
Subject:  Re: Trouble Accessing Printer
I tried changing the logon in the Foxweb Service (going through 'Services'), but not matter what I changed it to, including 'Administrator', the error said that foxweb couldn't locate the printer driver.    When I just use 'local', I get no error but it just doesn't work.

I think this is along the lines of what needs to be done though, given the fact that I can use VFP manually and run the script and use the printer with no problem.

Any suggestions?

Sent by G Barfield on 09/09/2012 07:37:03 PM:
I recently installed Foxweb on Server 2008;  I am running as a service.    On 2003 I used the PDF module, but I couldn't get it to work on 2008 so I am using a PDF Driver designed for Server 2008 (BlackIce).

The print driver works fine and I can print fine from VFP, but I cannot print from FoxWeb.  I think it has something to do with permissions.

There are no error messages; 

Do you have any ideas?