The link used to be in the Download page, but was inadvertently removed. I just added it back (next to the link for downloading the installer).
FoxWeb Support Team email |
Sent by David Hempy on 10/24/2012 03:33:37 PM:
Thanks for the link...I'll file it away for future reference.
Does that link appear on your website anywhere?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/24/2012 03:02:45 PM:
FoxWeb Support Team email |
Sent by David Hempy on 10/24/2012 02:34:03 PM:
Are the release notes available on the FoxWeb website? I ended up installing the latest version on my laptop just to get to the release notes.
I'd recommend adding a link to the release notes in several locations on : What's New / Download / FAQ, etc.
David Hempy
Director of Broadcast and Educational Technology
Kentucky Educational Television
(859)258-7164 - (800)333-9764