Trying to reduce some code fat in a script I am trying to use a FOR-NEXT loop to stick a value into a Request.Form to get a form input string such as:
<%for i = 1 to lnRecs%>
<%lcF6 = STR(i)+'F'%>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="<%=(lcF6)%>" VALUE="<%=alltrim(strack)%>">
and so on...
<%IF Request.FormCount("btnUpdate") > 0
for i = 1 to lnRecs
lcTest = str(i)+"F"
M.shipper = Request.Form('lcTest')
After about an hour of trying various permutations, I am unable to substitute the value of lcTest in the Request.Form to capture lcF6 input. Perhaps this is not possible but maybe some has a thought.
Thanks for giving this some consideration.