Date:  09/07/2016 05:20:51 AM Msg ID:  004844
From:  Keith Raker Thread:  004844
Subject:  FoxWeb/FoxPro Process Control?
 FoxWeb Version:  4.5
We have a scenario where we have developed a COM object/DLL using .NET that we need to access (for legacy integration purposes) from a FoxWeb script.  Unfortunately, for some reason, after some FoxWeb Stop/Starts (or server restarts) at least one of the FoxWeb channels/processes have come up in a state where they are unable to instantiate the COM object.  We are getting the following errors:
OLE error code 0x80131522: Unknown COM status code.
We have done extensive troubleshooting, and are not yet able to determine why an individual process/channel can't instantiate the object when another one can.  Note that we can kill the individual process with the issue, and it automatically restarts and works successfully afterwards. 
First, does anyone have an idea what might be causing this problem after a FoxWeb stop/start?  Second, is there any way for a FoxWeb script to "signal" to the error handler that the currently running process is "bad" and needs to be restarted?  We have FoxWeb set to Reset Channels, but it doesn't seem to do this even when the script throws an exception/error. 
Any thoughts/help on this would be great. 