Date:  11/13/2017 11:05:49 PM Msg ID:  004909
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  004908
Subject:  Re: Find Last Page
You can either encode the current URL in all links (including form actions), or see if Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") works for you.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Joe Goldsmiith on 11/12/2017 06:26:39 AM:
&nbsp;I need to learn what page user was on last. For example, User is on page1.fwx and presses a button to continue. Once the button is pressed, a&nbsp;response.redirect(&ldquo;page2.fwx&rdquo;) takes user to page2.fwx. Since page2.fwx can be accessed form a number of pages, I would like to know from which page used was on last.
&nbsp;Is there a way using Foxweb to find out the previous page?<span style="font-size: 10pt">&nbsp;</span>
Thanks for the helep.