Date:  05/07/2018 12:05:49 PM Msg ID:  004951
From:  Ridwan Alwi Thread:  004943
Subject:  Re: Sript mapping for Windows Server 2012
Thanks.  After I re-install.  everything works fine. Thanks 
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/03/2018 08:21:57 PM:
The FoxWeb setup automatically adds a script (handler) mapping for .fwx, as long as you have installed the required IIS features in advance, as described in the Configuring Your Web Server page in the documentation. You can always repair or uninstall/reinstall after adding the features.
If you want to add the handler manually, you can do so through the IIS Configuration Manager:
Request Path: *.fwx
Executable: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FoxWeb\CGI\foxweb.dll"
Request Restrictions:
    Verbs: "GET,HEAD,POST" 
    Access:  Script
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Ridwan Alwi on 05/03/2018 05:06:58 PM:
I need help to configure FW script mapping for windows server 2012.
Appreciate if someone can show me how or pictures where I can add the verbs. When I install FW, it failed to add web service application.