To start FoxWeb use one of the following methods:
Run fwstart.exe:
This program can either be started by clicking on the FoxWeb icon in the Start menu, or by running it directly from the Windows Explorer or a command window. Depending on how FoxWeb is configured it will start either as a desktop application or as a system service.
Services Applet of the Control Panel:
This option is only available in Windows 2000/NT and will start FoxWeb as a system service regardless of whether FoxWeb was configured to run as a service or not. To use it go to Start/Settings/Control Panel and open "Services". Locate the FoxWeb service and click on "Start".
Accessing the tray icon popup menu
If FoxWeb is not running as a service, then an icon is visible in the system tray area (lower right corner of your screen by the time indicator). Right clicking on the icon pops up the following menu:
Most of the options in the menu are self-explanatory: The Hide Windows option toggles the hidden status of individual channels. The Auto-Restart Channels option toggles FoxWeb's Channel Monitoring technology, which restarts channels if they become unresponsive. The Configuration option starts the FoxWeb Control Center. The Show Status option displays the Channel Status Window. The Pause option temporarily disables FoxWeb channels from processing requests without stopping the server, or killing requests that are currently being processed. It can be used to update resources that are normally locked by FoxWeb scripts, such as tables, object classes, etc..
Viewing the status of FoxWeb channels
The Status Window can be accessed by selecting the Show Status option in the tray icon popup menu, or by simply double-clicking on the tray icon. The status of individual channels can be either "ready", "busy", or "unresponsive". The latter means that the channel has been busy for longer than the Script Timeout value that was configured in the FoxWeb Control Center. The Connections column indicates the number of connections, on which the channel is still returning data to client browsers. In order to improve performance, FoxWeb channels become available as soon as execution of a script is completed. It is possible for a channel to be available to execute a new request, while it is still returning data for one of more previously-executed requests. Priority is given on "ready" channels with the smallest number of active connections. Pending requests are requests that are in the queue, waiting for a free channel.
Another way to view the status of active FoxWeb channels is to call the show_channels.fwx internal FoxWeb script:
This script is also accessible from the fwAdmin menu.
To stop FoxWeb use one of the following methods:
FoxWeb Tray Icon
Right-click on the FoxWeb icon in the system tray and select "Close FoxWeb". This icon is not visible if FoxWeb is running as a system service.
FoxWeb Control Center
Press the "Stop FoxWeb" button in FoxWeb Control Center. This method will work regardless of whether FoxWeb is running as a desktop application or a system service.
Run fwstart.exe /close
If you want to automate this operation, or if you want to close FoxWeb from a batch file, run fwstart.exe with the /close command line parameter. This method will work regardless of whether FoxWeb is running as a desktop application or a system service.
Services Applet of the Control Panel:
If FoxWeb is running as a service, you can stop in the Services applet of the Windows Control Panel.
The FoxWeb Control Center includes an option that allows FoxWeb to run as a system service. This option is only available when running under Windows NT and Windows 2000. To run FoxWeb as a system service enable the corresponding option in the FoxWeb Configuration Screen. You need to be aware of the following points:
Accessing remote resources
By default the FoxWeb service runs under the SYSTEM account, which does not have rights to remote resources, such as network shares. If your scripts utilize remote resources then you should change the user under which the FoxWeb service runs, by modifying the appropriate fields in the Startup options page of the Services applet in the Control Panel. Be careful not to enable the "Interact with the desktop" option, as this will cause problems with the system.
System services do not have access to drive mappings. In order for the FoxWeb service to access remote shares, you need to reference them using Universal Naming Convention (UNC). The UNC syntax is
Accessing ODBC connections
System services do not have access to ODBC connections which were defined in the User tab of the ODBC Control Panel applet. In order to be able to use your ODBC connections while running FoxWeb as a service, define them in the System tab.
While FoxWeb is running it monitors individual channels. If for some reason a channel is unresponsive for longer than the Script Timeout period, then the channel is automatically re-started and an entry is written in the file fwstart.log.
The file fwstart.log is used to log startup errors, and other problems, not caused by trappable VFP errors. If you are having trouble starting FoxWeb then this is a good place to begin your troubleshooting efforts.