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FoxWeb Forum (read-only)

Frequently Asked Questions

Which operating systems does FoxWeb support?

FoxWeb supports all modern versions of Windows. FoxWeb will not run under UNIX, Linux or OS X. If you have data created or maintained on these operating systems, you can still use a PC-based server running FoxWeb.

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Which versions of FoxPro is FoxWeb compatible with?

FoxWeb requires Visual FoxPro 6 to 9. If you already have VFP installed on a different workstation and do not wish to buy another license for the server, or you are a developer and do not want your client to have to purchase VFP you can run FoxWeb using the VFP Run-Time Library. For more information on this subject check the FoxWeb documentation.

You do not need to upgrade any other workstations in your office. Visual FoxPro can access data created by older versions, including FoxPro for DOS.

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Which Web servers does FoxWeb support?

FoxWeb requires a Web server that supports the CGI or ISAPI specifications. It will work with virtually every Windows server out there, including Microsoft IIS and Apache.

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Can I get my existing FoxPro applications to run over the web?

Because of the nature of the World-Wide-Web, there is no way you could take an existing FoxPro application and just get it to run over the web. Web browsers receive information in a language called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and send information back to servers using HTML forms. In order for FoxPro to communicate with web browsers, it must be able to read the input of HTML forms and format its output as HTML text. For this reason, the input and output routines of existing applications will have to be re-written. Other procedures handling the logic of the application (e.g. queries, data-updates, etc.) can remain as is.

In some cases existing reports can be used without modification, by re-directing their output to a text file and then sending it to the browser (<PRE> tags have to be added at the beginning and the end of the text). This method works adequately if you have a large number of reports that you want to convert in a hurry, but the output appears just like an ASCII text dump with no formatting. If, on the other hand, you want to have aesthetically pleasing reports that take advantage of the HTML formatting tags, you will need to either include these tags in the reports, or use a different method to create HTML output.

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Can I write FoxWeb programs remotely?

You can write your programs on your local workstation and then transfer them (over a LAN or FTP) to your server. If you have VFP installed on your server, FoxWeb will automatically compile your programs the next time they are requested by a user.

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Can I test my FoxWeb programs locally before placing them on my Web server?

You can write and test your FoxWeb programs locally, even if you do not have an Internet connection. After you are satisfied with the results you can transfer them to your Web server. You need to install VFP, a Web server software package and FoxWeb on your local machine and use "localhost" as the Internet address in the URL.

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How many concurrent users can FoxWeb support?

It is a mistake to measure load on the server in terms of concurrent users. Unlike other protocols, HTTP, the protocol that carries Web traffic does not keep a live connection between a web-based application and its users. Users are not "logged in", but rather initiate a connection when they click on a hyper-link. The connection is broken once the request is served. The whole process typically takes a fraction of a second.

A more appropriate measure of a server's load is requests per hour. A well-written FoxWeb application running on a mid-range server should be able to handle at least 10 requests per second. Assuming a constant load, this number translates to almost 40,000 hits per hour. A high-end server can handle much more (FoxWeb has been tested with a sustained load of 200,000 hits per hour).

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What kind of hardware do I need?

The hardware you need depends on a number of factors, including the traffic on your site, the complexity of your applications, the size of your tables, and the number and nature of other services running on your FoxWeb server. Obviously the busiest sites will require powerful multi-processor systems with lots of memory and storage, or even multiple servers in a load-balanced configuration.

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What is a channel? How many channels should I run?

Please refer to the Configuration page of the FoxWeb documentation for information on this topic.

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